Introduction of our team!

Hello Backers! As I type this, we’re almost at our $60k Unlock mark, great job! We’ll be posting ads this week which we hope you’ll be seeing sometime soon. As well, we believe our web guy is finalizing our website for a Friday or at the very least, a weekend launch. Until then, it’s my pleasure to give you a brief introduction of us all:

Chris (Christine Tsang) – Santa Monica, CA: She is the creator behind the gameplay and being adamant about having items that fuse together. We loved the idea, but she was pretty much “hands around our neck” that we include that feature. Christine believes herself to be an aggressive tabletop gamer, being that she has 4 brothers and is always ridiculed for being a “girl gamer”. Now, she schools her brothers and her friends whenever she plays as she’s a quick learn to new games and an intimidating force to be reckoned with. She’s currently playing more adventure/battle games such as Krosmaster, Shadows of Brimstone, Myth, and Descent. She’s also an avid LOL, WOW, and Counter Strike gamer. NEVER NEVER NEVER play a Euro game with her (she’s ruthless and is very vocal about it… ha ha!)

Dean Sawyer – Los Angeles, CA: He’s the brains of the logistic and manufacture side of things. He has a background in import/export and project management so his experience will help us with our Debut growing pains. He loves traditional games like AD&D, Hero Quest, and can sit for hours playing Mansions of Madness, and working out campaigns for his Fate Core pet-projects. Dean refuses to play dexterity games because he knocks everything down. I don’t blame him.

Wendy Lin – San Francisco, CA: She’s in charge of artwork, managing the sculptors and artists we have on board and creating the graphic design layout for the cards, tiles, etc. The descriptions that we give our artists are brainstormed by the team but eventually, she consolidates them and sends them over. She’s who I can play light games with, like the Munchkin, Smash Up, Rampage, and even the occasional MTG and Sentinels of the Multiverse romp. Wendy is more of a console gamer so she’s always waiting in some line at Gamestop to pick up a pre-order. She’s a bit shy so she steers away from MMORPGs.

Bonnie Park – Los Angeles, CA: That would be me! Not really much to say about myself, except that I really love the Zero Agents storyline we created together. I’m a manga/anime otaku and since one of my favorite series is Gunslinger Girls, you can see how a lot of influence from the series made it into the story. So far, you’ve only heard a portion, and introduction of the Zero Agents. I really hope that in time we can show off all the branching relationships and mystery that we’ve created. All of the characters have a unique personality and background that you should find at least one Agent to really root for. I’m looking forward to see how many of these personalities you’ll get to see by the end of this campaign 🙂

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